What Happened?

The first part of my life I was a Democrat and voted more often than not for their candidates. Slowly but surely the party turned into something I did not recognize and eventually I switch party affiliation to the Republican party. Unfortunately the Republicans are changing also and I am leaning to the Conservative party.

The Democrats have turned into an anti-American hate group who brands everyone with things such as racist, homophobe and whatever else their tiny brains can think of; there was a time when they would try to see the person and not their attributes – but not anymore.

The Republicans as a party are so weak they have erased the word “no” from their vocabulary and they go along with the Democrat rantings. The Republicans are so weak that they not only go along with the Democrats they have even taken to not supporting President Trump.

The Republicans and Democrats should just get together into one party and get it over. That would leave the Conservatives who are actually listening to the American people as the second party.

And while we are at it the Main Stream Media has played a huge part in making this happen. In the old days the media would tell us the news of the day; but today they aren’t satisfied with that they now do everything possible to make or change the news. They have been very bad to us and until they make an attempt to get back on track they are our enemy and should be avoided at all cost. I have eliminated them from my news source and if I do listen/watch the news it is on Fox; Fox has its own problems but they are the best of the lot.

Yes I think the wall should be built for our own safety so please don’t distract me with what shoes the Presidents wife is wearing.

16 Years Forogtten

By the way if you have not ever read this blog I recommend you read some of it as this young lady has a very special message that could benefit you.   I am a 70 year old “old fart” and I love to read her post.

Posted on September 11, 2017 by beautybeyondbones

You know what is terrifying?

The fact that most high school seniors were born after September 11, 2001.
Yep. Seniors in high school. Did not experience 9/11. Many were born after the terror attacks.

My mind. Can’t. Comprehend.

It’s been 16 years.

The slogan has been and always will be: 9/11: Never Forget.

Never Forget the 3000 lives that were lost that day in the towers. The 343 NY fire fighters who lost their lives, including the fire house chaplain, Fr. Mychal Judge who was hit by falling rubble while giving a victim last rites. The children who lost parents or loved ones that fateful day.

Never Forget that our country was viciously attacked in a calculated, and cold blooded way.

But you want to know the sad truth?

We have forgotten.

I remember right after the attacks, there was a shortage of American Flags across the United States.

A shortage. Every store was sold out. Because people were hanging them outside of their homes, car windows, mailboxes, cubicles, – you name it. People were even spray-painting their lawns the American Flag. There were candle light vigils and patriotic concerts.

Everything was God Bless America.

Now a days, we can’t even get our professional athletes to stand up during the National Anthem at sporting events, for crying out loud.

We’re fighting to remove “Under God” from our pledge of allegiance.

We’ve got pop stars proclaiming that they “hate America” and openly disrespecting our country and the flag – and encouraging others to do the same.
Not to mention the complete farce people – and the media – have made of President Trump and the first family.

This was not the America of 16 years ago.

The America, 16 years ago, stood up for itself. The America, 16 years ago, was not afraid to draw a definitive line between right and wrong, and enforce consequences for offenders.

Now a-days, we can’t even call someone by their God-given sex, without the threat of offending someone or being the target for public shame – or even worse – getting labeled as part of a “hate group.”

Somewhere during the process of the “Snowflaking-of-America,” we’ve completely forgotten about the day we were attacked, not once – not twice – but four times: Twice in NYC, Once at the Pentagon, and Once in Pennsylvania.

I was walking along the West Side Highway in New York City today, and the next thing I know, the road is closed, and literally 1,000s of motorcycles are parading down the avenue. There are helicopters and police escorts, and for literally 25 minutes, hundreds and hundreds of bikes, bedecked with American Flags and patriotic swag caravanned from Ground Zero to midtown in honor of the anniversary of 9/11.

These people remembered.

These people were not afraid to raise our flag with pride and reverence.

These people were showing respect, and God bless them for it.

Why is forgetting 9/11 such a crime?

Because it makes us take our freedom for granted.

It makes us forget that our freedom is actually a gift. People have died for our freedom. It came with a price.

So the next time you’re stuck in line at airport security, just remember that 9/11 is the reason you’re having to take off your shoes. And belt. And jewelry. And getting a pat down.

Why? Because on September 11, 2001, hijackers got on airplanes and attacked the United States of America.

But we stood up for our country.

We made a vow never to forget.

And it’s time we started acting like it.

It’s time we start respecting our elected officials and work to cooperate together instead of demonstrating hatred and anger and an uncompromising spirit through violent protests and marches.

America, 16 years ago – came together when the chips were down. We united.
America today – we’re hostile with one another: venomously divided, – and violently defensive.

I don’t like it. I don’t like it one little bit.

And I get it, our country is far from perfect. There are still some serious issues – racisim and sexism just to name a few. But cooperation is a two way street, and all sides have a role to play. So that with our freedom, and with a cooperative spirit, we can continue to make progress against these issues in a county that allows us the freedom to do so.

Maybe this hurricane is falling on the anniversary of September 11, as a God-facilitated catalyst for our country to come together.

Because quite honestly, we’re at a breaking point.

Maybe this emergency is just the situation we needed to set aside our differences, and come together as a United nation. The United States of America. One nation – under God, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all.

NOTE:  if you go to her actual website there are graphics and so forth that are available.

Statues and Monuments – History

I am sick of our country allowing the small groups of violent thugs  to destroy our history . . . our past.   If folks want to take down these monuments to our past and take away our pride in who we were and a marker to how much we have evolved – then I tell them they can ship them to me and I will display them on my property and take care of them the best I can.  If people think they can live their lives and not see or hear things that offend them they are not in the real world;  besides I don’t think it is about that anyway as this is just small groups of violent thugs seeing how far they can go pushing the rest of us around and if our leaders don’t start taking a stand then we will reach the point of no return.



From Facebook – Pastor Duke

Duke Hergatt

Ever wonder how so many politicians earn only a good wage and yet end up multimillionaires? I may have found out why! The wicked accepts a bribe in secret to pervert the ways of justice..Proverbs 17:23 They are owned by who bought them.
It seems to me nobody owns Trump. Maybe that’s why he is so despised. What big money can’t control it will destroy. The deep state is very deep indeed. Follow the money is a great tool understand who really is in power. Find those in power and learn their agenda. Read the Bible and you’ll see it was all laid out from the ancient days. Give your heart to Jesus and rejoice in His soon return. So ..I guess I am now criminal for my faith.

President Trump

OK I admit it.    During the Republican primaries I supported Ted Cruz or Rand Paul,  and I still love these guys but it wasn’t to be.  When Donald Trump got the nomination though I joined the rest of my family on the “Trump Train” and have been there ever since.   The transition for me was made much easier during the Convention by seeing Trumps children and seeing how classy they were;  he has a beautiful family that he loves very much and he has instilled in them morals and work ethic that are wonderful to see.

He has had to fight tooth and nail the whole time he ran and still to this day;    I have never seen the media treat any elected official this badly – he could cure cancer and they would find a way to criticize that.    Or possibly they have and I just wasn’t paying attention to the nonsense as we do tend to get involved with just living and things go over our heads.

My fear is that President Trump will eventually tone down or modify what he is doing because they have just worn him down.    He needs to just keep doing what he is doing and main stream America will continue to love and support him.

Stay strong President Trump we are with you and are praying for you and your family.








Franklin Graham – from Facebook

Planned Parenthood’s true colors are showing. They’re in the news this time because their website gives “guidelines” that instruct parents to teach their children, even preschoolers, that “your genitals don’t make you a boy or a girl.” They want to introduce the concept of transgender identity to a younger and younger audience—pushing the LGBTQ agenda. Among other things, it says, “Putting daughters in pink princess rooms and boys in blue sports rooms before they’re old enough to choose for themselves can send the message that they have to like certain things because of their gender.” Remember, Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the U.S., performing over 300,000 abortions annually. The thought of that alone is staggering—what a tragedy. Abortion is the murder of an unborn child. What kind of parenting is that?

It’s never too early to talk to a child about genitals and what they don’t say about your sexual identity – not even when you’re 4 years old or younger, according to…

Hillary and More

Yes, I know that just seeing her name or picture makes a lot of us just plain sick.  This evil woman just can’t accept that she lost because people just flat out don’t like her or her policies or her failed record.   In the past the lemmings in her party would have bit the bullet and just pulled the lever for her but the Liberals (Democrats) has in recent years gone so far off the reservation that people are starting not to believe the Democrats, much less trust them.  And this flame is fueled by the main stream media’s one sided news which people have started to distrust even more than the Democrats.

While I am on the subject the Republicans are going down that same road (except that the main stream media is against them).  The American people can only be lied to so many times before they abandon that party also.

FOX news is also on the brink of throwing away the good will they built up with the American people over the years.  We had FOX news that would at least try to be fair in reporting on both sides of the fence – but they are in the process of throwing it away and we will have to find a new source for our news.  If on FaceBook if you are selective about who you friend or on Twitter be selective with who you follow and that is a start.  There is some good information on YouTube videos and podcasts – not all of them mind you, you have to be selective.

Animal Rights Activists

It’s just my weird way of thinking and seeing things but I am now thinking that with Sea World not having any whale or dolphin shows and with Barnum and Baily now shut down that this will have a negative effect on animals in the world. 

Todays vocal activists became interested in animals after experiencing them by visiting places like SeaWorld and the Circus.  The dilemma is this.  Without the spark of interest created by such places as Barnum and Bailey and SeaWorld  there will be fewer and fewer of these so called activists to worry about animal rights.  That means that these activists have set their own cause back about 50 years or more.  There needs to be more tolerance and flexibility to further the cause and not kill it.

But of course the hard core activists (whatever the cause) are absolutely never satisfied and keep pushing further and further.  These activists will seen find out what other activists have started to find out, that the silent majority will allow itself to be pushed just so far and then they will start pushing back;  and that push back will be further and harder then they normally would taking back a lot of the ground that the activists have gained. 

Political Correct Shaming

The following I found on the website “Baconbits”    ( http://baconbitsshow.com/ ) and include it here with permission of the writer.

The Baconbits Show Website

SJW Watch

Don’t Be Afraid of a Little Shame


It’s the latest SJW craze and they aren’t stopping with fat acceptance. They are on a crusade to completely erase the concept of shame from society. And it won’t end well.

How does the country reconcile our desire to live forever, to end all injuries, to avoid all things unhealthy, with the politically correct movement for fat acceptance? How does it happen that our schools will ban tag because it can be too rough and cause bruises, that mothers worry about concussions from soccer and football games, that bicycle helmet laws are taken so seriously, that smoking makes you literally Hitler, but this same society would applaud if these well-protected children grew up obese?

And what happens to a society when you remove the concept of shame entirely from the culture?

In recent years tacking the word “shaming” onto a word is supposed to indicate that someone is engaging in a behavior that was previously discouraged, or disapproved of, but which is now completely acceptable. Slut-shaming, fat-shaming, etc.. But isn’t it healthy to have a little shame? Isn’t it ok, as individuals and as a culture, to be ashamed sometimes? Doesn’t the very concept of shame limit us from doing things that are bad for us or for the community at large? Should we really be proud of being fat? Of being promiscuous?

Imagine tacking that suffix onto any other word and see if it makes sense. If I yelled at a kid riding his bike down the street at break-neck speed and told him to put a helmet on, would you tell me to stop safety-shaming the young lad? If I told a pregnant woman her two-pack a day habit was horrible for her unborn child would I be smoke-shaming her? Or is it possible she should be a little ashamed and that the shame she feels may lead to some introspection?

Sometimes an entire country can feel shame and, if the prevailing modern culture embraces it, can be prevented from recreating the events that caused it. If you do not remember the past you are doomed to repeat it, the old adage goes. But what if you remember the past but lack the concept of shame to put it into context? What if Germans were to remember the past but were told shame is no longer part of the modern lexicon? Well, then The Holocaust and the entirety of World War 2 becomes a stale history lesson with no emotional impact. And if you aren’t sometimes ashamed of your history, or your countries history, simply remembering it wont cause you to NOT repeat it. And if I bring it up I suppose I am history-shaming. The next time I see someone go on a diatribe about Americas past dalliance with slavery I am going to try telling them to stop “History-shaming my people,” and see how that goes over.

Shame is an important concept, a safety tool. Like a governor on a cars acceleration system the notion that you might later be ashamed of your actions can, or should, cause you to slow down and think a little more carefully about what you do next. I once heard a woman say that she lives every day of her life as though “It will all be broadcast on tonight’s 11 o’clock news” for all the world to see. Why would that matter? Because in her hypothetical she wants to be proud of what the world sees her do, her interactions with people, her code of ethics, the raising of her family. And if she didn’t live up to her standards and people saw it she would be ashamed. The fear of feeling shame guides her. Take away that concept, if she is to feel no shame for any of her actions, who would care if it was on the nightly news or not? You’ve removed the rudder she, and a fair amount of people I would bet, use to steer their lives into meaningful ones.

Ruth Fulton Benedict, an anthropologist who studied under Franz Boas (the father of Anthropology) noted that the concept of shame was one of the rare universal conditions found across all cultures and in every country. She concluded that excepted behaviors, and the shame one felt when straying from these socially accepted behaviors, was effective in guiding the standards and behaviors of large groups and societies as a whole.

So if society as a whole establishes guidelines of behavior, presumably because adhering to them benefits the community as a whole, and the fear of being ashamed keeps people generally in line with this set of social norms and rules, what happens to a society when the concept of shame is eradicated?

Look at more specific examples. 40-years ago if you were a single mother you had made some poor life choices and there was a stigma attached to it. Societal rules of behavior specified two parents raise a child. This was for the good of the child and society at large. It was better economically, it was better emotionally for the children, and it provided a more stable foundation on which to build nations. Don’t believe me? That notion sounds antiquated to you because you were raised in a time when being a single mom was no longer associated with any shame? Well, a 2009 study by Cornell University (and there are many others) proves my case:

  • “Researchers reported that children living with married, biological parents have lower levels of risk-taking behaviors. When compared to single-parent and step-parent families, these children reported lower levels of substance abuse such as smoking, drinking and drugs. Less likely to be sexually active when young and more likely to have long-lasting romantic relationships, children in this study were also more likely to start families at an older age and when they were married.”
  • Also noted in the study: More than half off all single mothers lived below the poverty line. In 2-parent households this number is fewer than 1 in 10 families.
  • And I will close with this one last stat: A child living with a single mother is 14 times more likely to suffer serious physical abuse than is a child living with married biological parents

But then one day we decided women who become pregnant with no intention of marrying or staying with the biological father should no longer feel any sense of shame or even entertain the notion this might not be the best of plans. Instead, the term “single mother” became a badge of honor, something to be proud of. “I’m a single mom,” became the line uttered by every woman who wanted people to know how strong and independent she was. So what happened  to illegitimacy when Murphy Brown wandered in and made single moms modern day heroes and removed the concept of shame? This:


And consider abortion, although this article is not a debate on the pro or con side of it, but still consider that having one used to come with a sense of feeling ashamed. Society in general didn’t agree that having an abortion was some act of courage or protest; nor did they think it was just some hum-drum ordinary procedure some people just opted for and went about their business. There was a stigma attached.

And even if you’re pro-choice you have to admit feeling a sense of shame in this regard still falls in line with your professed word views. For decades pro-choice people have been using the same quote: Abortion should be legal, safe and RARE. How do we ensure they’re rare? By letting people internally debate whether the sense of shame they will feel is worth it. Surely in such a massive decision shame should be a factor, right?

But we removed the stigma and what happened? According to the Centers for Disease Control nearly ¼ of all US women will have had an abortion by the end of 2017. Further, they report that a full 44% percent of these will be REPEAT abortions. 1 in 5 of these will be a third or higher abortion.

There is a clear and unmistakable pattern that when you remove the concept of shame from a behavior you lose all ability to regulate or limit it. I wont even bother digging up the numbers on obesity rates, you can figure that one out with a quick glance around your child’s classroom. But one thing I can guarantee is that the new “Fat Acceptance” movement wont help lower them nor is it doing society in general any favors.

Shame and its societal uses are as old as humans. It’s a tool used to build stable societies, healthy people and global powerhouses. Like anything there can be such a thing as too much shame, people can go overboard; like telling a new mother she’s unhealthy because you think her latest Instagram picture makes her look fat. But there can also be too little. As a culture we in America are busy removing the concept of shame entirely from our lexicon. Taking it right out of our societal-regulation-toolbox. Everything is acceptable, every behavior to be tolerated if not applauded. I for one am ashamed of this new direction were heading.