The Things Men Do

The Things Men Do – Rod McKuen

From the album “Sold Out – Rod McKuen Live at Carnegie Hall”, 1969

(I still have this original record – it is one of my favorites)

It makes me cry to see the things
Some men do to one another
Makes me cry to see the things some men do.
Every street’s a battlefield and every door’s a jail
And never the sword and not the shield
Can stay the widow’s wail.
I cannot understand, I will not understand
Why freedom stumbles in our land
And it makes me cry to see the things
Some men do to one another
Makes me cry to see the things some men do.

Every road’s a bitter road and songs are only songs
And when in church children kneel
They cannot right the wrongs
I cannot understand, I will not understand
Why terror rumbles in our land
And it makes me cry to see the things
Some men do to one another
Makes me cry to see the things some men do.

Every night’s a lonesome night that lasts a lonesome year
And torches all the brighter burn
To burn away the fear
I cannot understand, I will not understand
Why freedom staggers in our land.
And it makes me cry to see the things
Some men do to one another
Makes me cry to see the things some men do.

Rod McKuen – The Things Men Do

The Things Men Do – Rod McKuen

From the album “Sold Out – Rod McKuen Live at Carnegie Hall”, 1969

(I still have this original record – it is one of my favorites)

It makes me cry to see the things
Some men do to one another
Makes me cry to see the things some men do.
Every street’s a battlefield and every door’s a jail
And never the sword and not the shield
Can stay the widow’s wail.
I cannot understand, I will not understand
Why freedom stumbles in our land
And it makes me cry to see the things
Some men do to one another
Makes me cry to see the things some men do.

Every road’s a bitter road and songs are only songs
And when in church children kneel
They cannot right the wrongs
I cannot understand, I will not understand
Why terror rumbles in our land
And it makes me cry to see the things
Some men do to one another
Makes me cry to see the things some men do.

Every night’s a lonesome night that lasts a lonesome year
And torches all the brighter burn
To burn away the fear
I cannot understand, I will not understand
Why freedom staggers in our land.
And it makes me cry to see the things
Some men do to one another
Makes me cry to see the things some men do.


This is taken from the Bacon Bits Show Website:

With 2017 over it’s now time for me to address one of the issues that riled me up the most in 2017: The NFL Kneelers and their various supporters.

Throughout the season some players knelt during the National Anthem, others just stood locked arm-in-arm and, on at least once occasion, a team simply refused to leave the locker room. This all started last year when Colin Kaepernick and his radical leftist girlfriend decided to jump on the “police are murdering black people” bandwagon. You may recall he wore socks depicting police officers as pigs, made his admiration for murderous criminal Che Geuverra known and ultimately said he refused to respect the flag of a country that is rife with social injustice going so far as to make the reckless and false claim that the “streets were lined with bodies” who were victims of police shootings.

This year as the kneeling continued, without Kaepernick who is now out of the league, President Trump threw gas on the fire by declaring that NFL teams should fine and/or release players who did not stand for the anthem. In response more players kneeled the following weekend and in unison, gee almost as if someone had given them talking points, they declared Trump to be the Great Divider. All they wanted, they declared, was to shine a spotlight on an issue that doesn’t even exist; namely the murderous rampage they believed police to be on where the primary victims were young black men. They wanted to bring people together not tear communities asunder like Trump was doing. They would unite people where Trump would divide them!

While the notion that these brain-dead players honestly thought that by disrespecting the flag and annoying half the country they would “bring people together” may seem laughable to normal people their cause caught the attention of the usual suspects in Hollywood. Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny Tweeted a picture of themselves kneeling in solidarity, for example, and on and on it went.

One of the major problems with the movement is this: If NFL players really wanted to see people off all stripes and colors united, even if for a moment, all they had to do was turn around. Turn around and take a good hard look into the stands, into the faces of the people shelling out a good chunk of their hard-earned money to applaud them each Sunday.

I have been to a dozen or more NFL games in my life and one thing has always been true of them: In the stands there are no skin colors. Nobody’s religion matters, no ones ethnicity matters, sex, disability, none of it matters outside of the team colors you’re all wearing. You sit next to people you’ve never met and instantly you’re part of a temporary community that accepts everyone.

Go to a game and look around. I’ve seen it at these games. Black guys, white guys, Asians, and handicapped people. All of them cheering in one voice, high-fiving each other and “Can I get you a beer while I am heading that way” to one another. Totally united and enjoying each others company. The sports itself was the great uniter. White people wearing the jerseys with the names of black players on the back and vice versa, nobody caring what color anyone was.

Even those fans who were rooting for the invading team were, for the most part, members of this temporary community albeit while being subjected to plenty of ribbing and teasing.

I’ve sat in those stands, on one occasion next to black guys I have never met who did not care about our skin color and both of whom literally hugged me when victory appeared imminent. If you’ve been to an NFL game you have seen what I have, probably experienced what I have, even if you didn’t make note of it. Diversity and harmony like the radical left always says the WANT to see but then ignore when it happens.

And what was it that took these diverse, united people and drove a wedge between them? Kneeling. The players who called Trump the Great Divider had taken a fan base that has been made up of all the different kinds of people that you could possibly imagine, a fan base that was united for decades, and tore them apart. Suddenly it was no longer one temporary community of diverse people every Sunday. It was two. Suddenly it wasn’t everyone wearing a Bears jersey in the stadium became part of an instant family, it was Bears fans who support kneeling on one side and those who don’t on the other. It was a clear divide on the issue among racial lines, lines that didn’t exist among those fans two short years ago.

Colin Kaepernick and his sycophants did not achieve some sort of racial harmony, they took the fragile and budding racial harmony that did exist, if only for 3 hours a week, and destroyed it. Instead of building on the color-blind comradery that existed in each stadium they burned it down.

And it didn’t have to happen that way. To see some of the racial harmony they wanted all they had to do was turn around.

And now even bigger and more powerful celebrities want to champion the cause of a man who is actively destroying the league that made him a millionaire. The league that gave him the platform from which he shouted “racists” at his legions of fans.

And the dividing didn’t stop in the stands. The wedge they drove, whether they admit it publicly or not, extended to the locker rooms. Locker room that had previously, much like the stands, been color-free zones. Everyone in a locker room, black white or other, is part of a team. A family. The players often refer to each other as “brothers” in regards to their teammates. And yet look at any picture of the kneeling players and see the divide. Some standing, some kneeling. A wedge. Discord primarily along racial lines where previously there was harmony. When the Pittsburgh Steelers decided as a team to not even take the field for the National Anthem one player, Alejandro Villanueva, came out and paid his respects. For a moment he had the top selling jersey in the NFL but then, as often happens, social justice warriors shamed him into an apology with some teammates piling on and being “disappointed” that he chose to break ranks.

Just look at the polls to witness the divide. A September poll by CNN found 59% of whites thought kneeling in protest was wrong while 84% of blacks said it was the right thing to do. Overall most people felt kneeling was wrong and while the NFL tried to ride out the storm instead of dealing with this issue fans made their displeasure known with Twitter accounts popping up to show pictures of half-empty stadiums.

At the end of the day the kneelers who accused Trump of dividing the country were the ones sowing the seeds of discord all along. It was they who took a united and diverse group of fans, seeking to escape political messages and daily stresses for a lousy 3 hours on Sunday, and divided them once again into racial categories. These protests did far more harm than good and may have dealt an irreparable blow to the NFL’s reputation but even worse, they may have set race relations back even farther.

Does God Have A Sense Of Humor

Another short post. I believe that God does have a sense of humor, how else can you explain zebras? And there is this: God gave me a love of music of all kinds and there is very little that I don’t listen to (there are exceptions and they are Rap music and Opera); I love music that I find on YouTube that is older than I am and a lot of music by folks that I have never heard of. (the other shoe dropping) however God did not give me any talent to play an instrument or to sing – yep my singing voice is terrible but I still sing if the right song is playing (Under the Boardwalk by the Drifters is one of them).

Day After Christmas

I used to love Christmas but my family is so into get together’s, parties and spending that it just take the meaning of Christmas away from me.   Because of the ice storm we had I even missed going to church on Christmas Eve.   However I did manage to watch what I consider the best Christmas movie ever made – Silent Night starring Linda Hamilton;  this depicts the true spirit of Christmas.    If you are inclined the movie is on You Tube and you can watch it there.


News Media, Protests, Boring

I rather enjoyed the flurry of political posts over the past year but geez they have gotten really repetitive and boring.   If you have read this blog you know that I am pro conservative and anti liberal.   Whenever my wife puts the news on TV I am amazed at how the news media can talk about politics and women abuse for 24 hours a day everyday – it gets so boring that I have started to wonder if we have reached a place where we have too much information;  and by the way listening to these news people talk about give their OPINION about what is or might go on is NOT REAL INFORMAITON.    I miss the old days when news folks reported what happened and did not spend all this time giving their opinion about what happened and so forth.    Everybody needs to just shut the heck up and let the President do his job and if you don’t like what is going on that is why we have elections;  get out and campaign for the folks you like.

These people who are protesting so much don’t even know WHY or WHAT they are protesting.   They tend to be loud and obnoxious but can’t even tell why they are protesting;   I often wonder who or what is getting them so riled up.

Coal Basket Bible

The Coal Basket Bible

The story is told of an old man who lived on a farm in the mountains of Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning, Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading from his old worn-out Bible. His grandson who wanted to be just like him tried to imitate him in any way he could.

One day the grandson asked, “Papa, I try to read the Bible just like you but I don’t understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Bible do?”

The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and said, “Take this coal basket down to the river and bring back a basket of water.”

The boy did as he was told, even though all the water leaked out before he could get back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, “You will have to move a little faster next time,” and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again.

This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was “impossible to carry water in a basket,” and he went to get a bucket instead.

The old man said, “I don’t want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You can do this. You’re just not trying hard enough,” and he went out the door to watch the boy try again.

At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would leak out before he got far at all. The boy scooped the water and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty. Out of breath, he said, “See Papa, it’s useless!”

“So you think it is useless?” the old man said. “Look at the basket.”

The boy looked at the basket and for the first time he realized that the basket looked different. Instead of a dirty old coal basket, it was clean. “Son, that’s what happens when you read the Bible. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, it will change you from the inside out.” That is the work of God in our lives. To change us from the inside out and to slowly transform us into the image of His son.

Take time to read a portion of God’s word each day, and remind a friend by sharing this story.

“Live Simply, Love Generously, Care Deeply, Speak Kindly, Leave the Rest to God

NFL, Protests, National Anthem

Although I am cutting out watching football on TV I will not be burning any of my old Bucaneer caps and shirts etc. This is because I suspect that most of those that are burning team shirts and things will cool off two months from now and then have to start buying those items again, this defeating their protests.

And most of the younger set who are avid fans and belong to fantasy leagues will complain a bit but not stop watching NFL or buying their stuff.

The NFL itself should be ashamed of itself for allowing this while at the same time they are subsidized by the Government. I never understood anyway why a business making that kind of money qualified for tax exempt status anyway; I mean businesses like IBM doesn’t get anything and hires many more people than the NFL and are way more productive and useful.

Bottom line is that these crybaby jerks should all be fired and disgraced for the low lifes they are. Remember that most of these SOB’s have many arrests for things like drug use, assault, domestic violence and much more.

People today need to find something else to occupy themselves with, normally I would suggest baseball but I see there was at least one or more baseball player has taken a knee during the national anthem.

I am looking for a hobby to replace NFL football watching in my life. By the way the same sentiment applies to the entertainment industry who are a bunch of rich hypocrite snobs and they need to go away also – books are a good way to go.

16 Years Forogtten

By the way if you have not ever read this blog I recommend you read some of it as this young lady has a very special message that could benefit you.   I am a 70 year old “old fart” and I love to read her post.

Posted on September 11, 2017 by beautybeyondbones

You know what is terrifying?

The fact that most high school seniors were born after September 11, 2001.
Yep. Seniors in high school. Did not experience 9/11. Many were born after the terror attacks.

My mind. Can’t. Comprehend.

It’s been 16 years.

The slogan has been and always will be: 9/11: Never Forget.

Never Forget the 3000 lives that were lost that day in the towers. The 343 NY fire fighters who lost their lives, including the fire house chaplain, Fr. Mychal Judge who was hit by falling rubble while giving a victim last rites. The children who lost parents or loved ones that fateful day.

Never Forget that our country was viciously attacked in a calculated, and cold blooded way.

But you want to know the sad truth?

We have forgotten.

I remember right after the attacks, there was a shortage of American Flags across the United States.

A shortage. Every store was sold out. Because people were hanging them outside of their homes, car windows, mailboxes, cubicles, – you name it. People were even spray-painting their lawns the American Flag. There were candle light vigils and patriotic concerts.

Everything was God Bless America.

Now a days, we can’t even get our professional athletes to stand up during the National Anthem at sporting events, for crying out loud.

We’re fighting to remove “Under God” from our pledge of allegiance.

We’ve got pop stars proclaiming that they “hate America” and openly disrespecting our country and the flag – and encouraging others to do the same.
Not to mention the complete farce people – and the media – have made of President Trump and the first family.

This was not the America of 16 years ago.

The America, 16 years ago, stood up for itself. The America, 16 years ago, was not afraid to draw a definitive line between right and wrong, and enforce consequences for offenders.

Now a-days, we can’t even call someone by their God-given sex, without the threat of offending someone or being the target for public shame – or even worse – getting labeled as part of a “hate group.”

Somewhere during the process of the “Snowflaking-of-America,” we’ve completely forgotten about the day we were attacked, not once – not twice – but four times: Twice in NYC, Once at the Pentagon, and Once in Pennsylvania.

I was walking along the West Side Highway in New York City today, and the next thing I know, the road is closed, and literally 1,000s of motorcycles are parading down the avenue. There are helicopters and police escorts, and for literally 25 minutes, hundreds and hundreds of bikes, bedecked with American Flags and patriotic swag caravanned from Ground Zero to midtown in honor of the anniversary of 9/11.

These people remembered.

These people were not afraid to raise our flag with pride and reverence.

These people were showing respect, and God bless them for it.

Why is forgetting 9/11 such a crime?

Because it makes us take our freedom for granted.

It makes us forget that our freedom is actually a gift. People have died for our freedom. It came with a price.

So the next time you’re stuck in line at airport security, just remember that 9/11 is the reason you’re having to take off your shoes. And belt. And jewelry. And getting a pat down.

Why? Because on September 11, 2001, hijackers got on airplanes and attacked the United States of America.

But we stood up for our country.

We made a vow never to forget.

And it’s time we started acting like it.

It’s time we start respecting our elected officials and work to cooperate together instead of demonstrating hatred and anger and an uncompromising spirit through violent protests and marches.

America, 16 years ago – came together when the chips were down. We united.
America today – we’re hostile with one another: venomously divided, – and violently defensive.

I don’t like it. I don’t like it one little bit.

And I get it, our country is far from perfect. There are still some serious issues – racisim and sexism just to name a few. But cooperation is a two way street, and all sides have a role to play. So that with our freedom, and with a cooperative spirit, we can continue to make progress against these issues in a county that allows us the freedom to do so.

Maybe this hurricane is falling on the anniversary of September 11, as a God-facilitated catalyst for our country to come together.

Because quite honestly, we’re at a breaking point.

Maybe this emergency is just the situation we needed to set aside our differences, and come together as a United nation. The United States of America. One nation – under God, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all.

NOTE:  if you go to her actual website there are graphics and so forth that are available.

Statues and Monuments – History

I am sick of our country allowing the small groups of violent thugs  to destroy our history . . . our past.   If folks want to take down these monuments to our past and take away our pride in who we were and a marker to how much we have evolved – then I tell them they can ship them to me and I will display them on my property and take care of them the best I can.  If people think they can live their lives and not see or hear things that offend them they are not in the real world;  besides I don’t think it is about that anyway as this is just small groups of violent thugs seeing how far they can go pushing the rest of us around and if our leaders don’t start taking a stand then we will reach the point of no return.