St John Presbyterian – Tampa FL

St John Presbyterian – Tampa FL


This is the church I grew up in many, many, many, many (is that enough?) years ago.

A small church but with a congregation that worked tirelessly to serve the community.    Besides the church building on their property they have a Walk In Clinic for those that can’t afford health care,  a group home for developmentally disabled adults and a learning center.

Anyone looking for a church home would do well to give St John a try and if I were to still live in Tampa it would still be my choice.  With that said the folks who were the backbone of the church (Mike and Olga Casanueva, Manual and Hortense Beito, and my mom and dad Charlotte and Henry Knight); of course there are others but right now these come to mind first.

Here is a link to their new website,  please give it a browse and consider them for your new church home.

St John Presbyterian – Tampa FL


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