From the Bacon Bits Show webpage.     Also on YouTube are some audio talk shows that cover a myriad of subjects including this one and goes into gaming for those who are so inclined.   Anyway enoy this article – there is a wealth of information here.


Think back a year or two to some of the Facebook arguments you had with your liberal friends over illegal immigration. If you’re anything like me you ran into the argument that Obama was deporting illegals left and right. “He deported more people than George Bush!” the liberals told me proudly. Some even took to calling him the “Deporter In-Chief” as proof that their savior was indeed tough on illegal immigration and took border security seriously.

Now the easy counter to that argument was that Obama was counting border turnarounds as deportations, something no other President has done. This vastly inflated his deportation numbers. “But more turnarounds only proves he takes border security seriously” I was told time and again. It was a valiant effort from a group who would never admit Obama was wrong on anything.

You see, way, way back in 2016 it was fashionable, even noble, to be tough on illegal immigration and firm on border security. Even the most dedicated Social Justice Warriors were eager to tout the Deporter In-Chief as the man to fix illegal immigration. Why, Obama himself was once keen to fix the problem, saying this:

“The number of immigrants added to the labor force every year is of a magnitude not seen in this country for over a century,” Obama noted. “If this huge influx of mostly low-skill workers provides some benefits to the economy as a whole—especially by keeping our workforce young, in contrast to an increasingly geriatric Europe and Japan—it also threatens to depress further the wages of blue-collar Americans and put strains on an already overburdened safety net.”

Flash forward to this week and notice the media coverage being given to Jose Garcia, who has lived in the United States for 30-years and is now being deported. The tearful interviews with his friends and wife, the heart-tugging tale of how he came to be here. You have to wonder, then, how many of these tales, these profoundly sad stories, have we missed? If the Deporter In-Chief was really taking the strong stance on illegals that I was told he was, is it possible there were 0 Jose Garcia like stories in his 8-years in office? Or were they ignored? And lest we forget, because no one in the MSM will mention this, Garcias first deportment proceeding was in 2015. Gee, who was President then?

Why, just last year, during the Presidential election, the left collectively embraced Hillary Clinton who once said:

“…we have to send a clear message, just because your child gets across the border, that doesn’t mean the child gets to stay. So, we don’t want to send a message that is contrary to our laws or will encourage more children to make that dangerous journey.”

Heck, while a sitting Senator Mrs. Clinton said “I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants. We’ve got to do more at our borders. And people have to stop employing illegal immigrants.”

To people who doubted that tougher immigration polices were needed she challenged “come up to Westchester, go to Suffolk and Nassau counties, stand in the street corners in Brooklyn or The Bronx — you’re going to see loads of people waiting to get picked up to go do yard work and construction work and domestic work,” she said, later adding that those who employ illegals are a part of the problem.

So how did we get from “our candidate IS tough on illegal immigration” to “Republicans are racist meanies for wanting to get tough on illegal immigration” in a few years? Why is the left suddenly so up-in-arms that illegal immigrants are being deported when just 16 months ago they were bragging about it?

That’s an easy question. Their candidates did exactly what the left wanted them to do on immigration: Nothing. For years they’ve played the long con with the American public. Running candidate after candidate who paid lip service to the problem in an effort to appear centrist while having a wink-nod agreement with the hard core leftist base that they would, in fact, do nothing about it. Their master plan has unraveled and their bluff has been called with Trump and they hate it. Because for the first time in modern history someone is doing exactly what they said they would and confronting this growing problem.

Now they’re stunned and saying “Hey, Mr. Trump, we have an unspoken arrangement here in Washington. We tell the plebes we will get tough on border security, we talk about it all the time, but ultimately we do nothing, The public, you see, is moronic and easily placated. You have no business breaking that decades old agreement.”

The left has carefully crafted a pyramid scheme for decades wherein they do nothing about illegals when they arrive, offer them all the incentives they can to stay, and count on it turning into a sob story later on so they can shriek “But he’s been here 10 years he has a life here now you monster!”

The longer they can continue to do nothing, the longer the timer can run and the newest batch to cross the border can turn from “illegal immigrants” into sob stories for the media to tell.

If you don’t act now, if you don’t make the hard decisions now, if you don’t enforce the law NOW, then in 20-years we have a whole new batch of Jose Garcias who will, at some future date when the left needs to demonize someone, magically turn into someone undeportable. It’s a never ending merry-go-around that Trump wants to stop from spinning and the left cant stand it.

After all these years someone is finally doing what they said they would about illegal immigration. Trump isn’t only keeping his promise, he’s fulfilling the hollow promises made by Obama and Hillary on the issue. The promises they never for one second intended to keep.

What Happened?

The first part of my life I was a Democrat and voted more often than not for their candidates. Slowly but surely the party turned into something I did not recognize and eventually I switch party affiliation to the Republican party. Unfortunately the Republicans are changing also and I am leaning to the Conservative party.

The Democrats have turned into an anti-American hate group who brands everyone with things such as racist, homophobe and whatever else their tiny brains can think of; there was a time when they would try to see the person and not their attributes – but not anymore.

The Republicans as a party are so weak they have erased the word “no” from their vocabulary and they go along with the Democrat rantings. The Republicans are so weak that they not only go along with the Democrats they have even taken to not supporting President Trump.

The Republicans and Democrats should just get together into one party and get it over. That would leave the Conservatives who are actually listening to the American people as the second party.

And while we are at it the Main Stream Media has played a huge part in making this happen. In the old days the media would tell us the news of the day; but today they aren’t satisfied with that they now do everything possible to make or change the news. They have been very bad to us and until they make an attempt to get back on track they are our enemy and should be avoided at all cost. I have eliminated them from my news source and if I do listen/watch the news it is on Fox; Fox has its own problems but they are the best of the lot.

Yes I think the wall should be built for our own safety so please don’t distract me with what shoes the Presidents wife is wearing.

Stop the World I Want to get Off

I thought the madness would stop eventually but it seems it is only getting worse and spreading throughout the world.   Liberal activists seems to delight that a man claiming to be a woman at heart has won a weight lifting championship.   Women who claim to be pro woman activists are embracing the muslim culture which does more to harm women than anything else in the world;  domestic violence is nothing compared to what sharia law does to women – isn’t anyone paying attention?

Anytime someone does not get their way it isn’t because the other person is better or worked harder it is because of racism, islamophobia or one or another of the thousands of ways the liberals get offended these days.    They all need to go to a safe room and hide – and shut the heck up.  It would seem to me if the media stopping fanning the flames this nonsense would simply die out and we could all go on with our lives.

In the old days we all thought that lawyers were the worst thing for the world.   But now it turns out that it really is the media and their fake news outlets like cnn and msnbc.  I guess it is easier to be a tabloid putting out sensationalist type articles than to be an actual journalistic news source. 


Liberals Are Very Tiring

After the election was over I was afraid that life on line would get very boring.   Then the Liberals started with there whining and crying each one trying to get more attention than the last.  At first there was a certain amount of humor in the shenanigans these folks were doing  and what they were saying was so far out it was in the realm of humor and yet so sad that they had to do and say these crazy things on order to become relevant again.    And even worse the main stream media reported these things like they had just heard brilliant things from the worlds biggest genius.

Anyway,   this stuff is no longer interesting or funny;  it is now just annoying and it is time for people to come to their senses and grow up.  There is no way that anyone can live their life without hearing or seeing anything that might offend them or hurt them in some way;  everyone has trials they have to go through and overcome.

We have yearly elections and if we don’t like what is going on then it is your responsibility to get out and work to elect the person whom you agree with – don’t just whine and complain and disrupt life for everyone else.




Dear President Trump

Just a simple request.   Please do not let the Media, Entertainment Industry or Liberal Activists make you back away or water down what you know needs to be done.   In the short time you have been in office it is like a breath of fresh air.    And the folks you have appointed so far are wonderful and just what this country needs to get back on track.

So please President Trump stay positive and know that most Americans are behind you and praying for you and your family.



Election 2016–Not Over Yet

After Donald Trump won the election I was afraid things would get very boring with no more campaign nonsense in the news and on Facebook or Twitter;  I was even thinking of taking my two Blogs that I dedicate to pro Conservative and anti Liberal sentiment,  and to repurpose them to other content. 

But with the Liberals rioting in the streets and demanding recounts and putting Nancy Pelosi back in the limelight I can see that the run of the mill politicians will give me enough fodder as least for now to keep my blogs in the political arena. 

People are using words as weapons as a way to shut people up from talking about anything they don’t agree with.   College kids are afraid when they hear or see anything they don’t agree with and they get this from the colleges and Professors who all tend to be Liberal and Socialist and are indoctrinating a whole generation of kids who now will not be able to survive in a real world.  They don’t even know which bathroom to use anymore.

We have Liberals who persecuted a bakery because they stood up for their faith and refused to make a cake for a gay couple.  Yet the Liberals being the hypocrites that they are are refusing to work with Trumps wife because of their “beliefs”.  And the news media. . . I rarely listen to the news from them anymore;  I barely even listen to Fox News as they took a giant step to the left this past year.

Hillary Clinton is for all Americans. Except Christians, conservatives and the unborn.

Oct. 13, 2016 11:49am

Matt Walsh

Matt Walsh

Matt Walsh is a blogger, writer, speaker, and professional truth sayer.

The Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party have been engaged in a covert plot to infiltrate and undermine the Catholic Church. That is a crazy Republican conspiracy theory, and the craziest thing about it is that it also happens to be the truth. This demonstrates one of the major problems conservatives have always had in dealing with the Clinton Machine: They’re so absurdly corrupt and villainous that simply reporting on their actual behavior makes you sound like a fringe nutcase in an aluminum foil hat.

But the truth is the truth, regardless of how outlandish it sounds. And we know about this truth because it was clearly outlined in leaked emails between top officials in the Clinton campaign. During the course of several conversations, they complained bitterly about conservative Catholics, calling them “severely backwards” and accusing them of being people attracted to “systematic thought,” duped by a “bastardized” faith, and harboring terrible, sexist views about gender. Oddly, it was concluded that wealthy and influential Catholics are only Catholic because they want to seem “sophisticated.” I’m not quite sure how someone can be both backwards and sophisticated at the same time, but I suppose hateful prejudices are rarely coherent or consistent.

Of course, we’re all familiar with and hardly surprised by these common complaints about the mean old Christians who refuse to give up on 2,000 years of teachings for the sake of conforming to the ideological trends of the moment. More noteworthy was the conversation in one of the email chains about the need to “plant the seeds of revolution” within the Catholic ranks. The campaign plotted to rid Catholicism of its doctrines and orthodoxy by fomenting a progressive rebellion. It was agreed that they need to spark a “Catholic spring” to “end the Middle Ages dictatorship.” Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, assured his co-conspirators that Trojan horse groups had already been created for this purpose:

We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this. But I think it lacks the leadership to do so now. Likewise Catholics United. Like most Spring movements, I think this one will have to be bottom up.

We need not even point out how the media would react if these same emails were leaked from top Republicans — as long as “Catholic” and “Catholic Church” were replaced with “Muslims” and “Islam” or even “Jews” and “Judaism.” If it were revealed that the Trump campaign not only griped about the “backwards” American Muslims or the “bastardized” Jews, but actually had a hand in creating fake Muslim or Jewish groups as vehicles to sneak in anti-Muslim or anti-Jewish ideology, anchors on CNN would be having actual heart attacks on camera. Hillary Clinton would weep publicly over the “hatefulness” and “cynicism” and “discrimination” and so on and so forth. “We’re stronger together,” she would cry out in a robotic voice straining to sound at least somewhat emotional.

Yet, because the Democrats did it, and they did it to those bastard Catholics, they won’t even be forced to say they’re sorry. The Clinton camp came out and dismissed the whole issue as a “faux controversy,” which is the same thing they said about Clinton breaking federal law and then deleting emails to cover it up, and the same thing they said about Clinton getting four Americans killed in Benghazi, and the same thing they’ve been saying for 30 years. I’m starting to suspect that these people don’t know what the word “faux” means. In fairness, they did agree that an apology should be forthcoming in this case — but they said the apology should come from Donald Trump for colluding with the Russians.

As for them colluding with each other to destroy a religion that 70 million Americans belong to, they see no reason to express remorse. And why should they? The media has dutifully shelved this story, along with every other negative Clinton story (it’s a very crowded shelf at this point), and now we’ve moved back to dwelling on Donald Trump’s dubious sexual exploits. Don’t get me wrong: It is certainly relevant that the GOP nominee is an alleged serial abuser of women, but it’s also relevant that the Democratic nominee is a crook, a liar, and a bigot engaged in a plot to overthrow our religious institutions and reshape them in her own image. A fair minded and honest person would find the time to be outraged by both. But in our country there is a severe shortage of those kinds of people, particularly in the media.

Unfortunately, I can’t force the news to report this story, and I can’t make anyone care about it even if they did. But I can at least point out that, despite the slogan she constantly repeats, Hillary Clinton does not intend to be a president “for all Americans.” While we hear so much about Donald Trump’s “bigotry” and “divisiveness,” let’s keep in mind that Hillary Clinton is the one who thinks that millions of Americans are ”irredeemable” and millions more are “backwards” misogynists who subscribe to a “Middle Ages” faith. And it’s not only Catholics that Clinton hates. Recall that just last year she announced at the Women in the World Summit that “deep seated religious beliefs have to be changed.”

It was around that time that her people were emailing back and forth about infiltrating the church, so we know that she meant what she said. And what she said is quite terrifying when you break it down. Religious beliefs have to be changed. She does not think that those of us who harbor the beliefs should have a choice in the matter. And they must be changed, which is noticeably different than saying that the members of these faiths should change them. No, they must be changed. As in, some more enlightened, progressive force must come in from the outside and make the necessary alterations. After all, the silly, ridiculous fools who buy into this religious crap can’t well be expected or trusted to do it themselves.

Hillary Clinton is not for all Americans. She is for a very specific sort of American, and those who do not fit that mold should be forced to change or pay the price. She does not intend to be a president for Christians, or orthodox members of any other faith, or conservatives. Nor will she be a president for the unborn, we should note. In Hillary’s view, the only real Americans are those who have met her standards of physical and intellectual development. Anyone who falls outside of those requirements does not deserve respect, nor do we really deserve our constitutional rights. As far as she’s concerned, we’re modern day neanderthals. She’s not for us. And if — as will very likely be the case — she becomes president simply and solely because she had the great fortune of running against Donald Trump, we Christians ought to remember this fact.

America’s 6th President Explained Islam Perfectly in ONE Brutal Sentence

From Top Right News, By Top Right News on June 13, 2016 in Islam, Uncategorized

by Smith Callen | Top Right News

Barack Obama has often claimed that Islam was admired by America’s Founders, and made “great contributions” to the nation’s founding.

President John Quincy Adams would beg to differ.

He understood what so many people are afraid to admit today: that Islam is not a “religion of peace.” Those who commit evil in the name of Islam are just following what the Koran teaches.

From WND via The Federalist Papers:

In 1841, John Qunicy Adams defended 53 Africans accused of mutiny aboard the slave ship Amistad. He won their case before the Supreme Court, giving them back their freedom, stating:

“The moment you come to the Declaration of Independence, that every man has a right to life and liberty, an inalienable right, this case is decided. I ask nothing more in behalf of these unfortunate men than this Declaration.”

African slaves brought to America were purchased at Muslim slave markets, where over Islam’s centuries of history an estimated 180 million were enslaved.

Quincy Adams had the example of both his father’s and Thomas Jefferson’s battles against the Muslim pirates of Libya, and also Muslim slave traders, to draw on when he made a conclusion n that sounds like he could be describing much of the Muslim world today, 174 years later:

“The natural hatred of the Muslims towards the infidels is in just accordance with the precepts of the Koran.”

He contrasted this with Christianity:

“The fundamental doctrine of the Christian religion is the extirpation of hatred from the human heart. It forbids the exercise of it, even towards enemies.”

He continued, with a historical reference to the Muslim “prophet” that could well describe ISIS today:

“In the 7th century of the Christian era, a wandering Arab (Mohammed) … spread desolation and delusion over an extensive portion of the earth. … He declared undistinguishing and exterminating war as a part of his religion. … The essence of his doctrine was violence and lust, to exalt the brutal over the spiritual part of human nature.”

Remember these words the next time you hear Barack Obama absurdly claim that America’s Founding Fathers admired Islam or that the religion made wonderful “contributions to American culture.”

That is, unless you call “contributions,” the capture and selling of millions of African slaves, and the Barbary Wars.

Refreshing to see a U.S. president who wasn’t afraid to speak the truth about Islam, is it not?

Spoiled Brat Romney Goes Full Democrat In Smearing Donald Trump

Posted on June 11, 2016 by Rick Wells in 2016 Election, Donald Trump, Political Establishment // 2 Comments

The holier-than-thou spoiled brat off-shoring exploiter of the American people, Mitt Romney, has apparently finally given up on the idea of either him or his mini-me Paul Ryan becoming president without having to campaign. He’s fully engaged in trashing the Republican nominee who played by the rules, did all of the work and won by unprecedented numbers against an historically large field.

If the American people were too ignorant to see his greatness and that of his fellow globalist puppet Paul Ryan four years ago and still haven’t come to their senses, then he’s done. He’s picking up his marbles and he’s going to play with the Democrats in “sort of secret.” Romney’s now doing everything he can to angrily trash the man we selected instead of him or his anointed one, Canadian establishment shill Ted Cruz.

At what could be dubbed his “Mad at America Establishment Retreat,” Romney allowed himself to be interviewed by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and he had an angry mouthful to get off of his chest. Not being the synthetic saint that Lyin’ Ted Cruz was has its drawbacks and one of them is being the target of false claims by those who put themselves and their associates on false religious high horses. Romney, Cruz and Beck give religion a bad name as they denounce others from under their undeserved, self-positioned religious mantle. Mitt is miffed that the American people saw through his and Glenn Beck’s charade and voted for Trump instead their elite cabal candidate.

Romney won’t tolerate the rejection of him and the choices he provided, himself or the sleazy political preacher Glenn Beck proclaimed was predicted and selected by Mormon leader Joseph Smith in their founding prophecy. That non-Mormon wealth redistribution church of the Seven Mountains Dominionist, Ted Cruz might have lost, but he’s not going like a gentleman and neither is Romney. Fittingly and symbolically, the setting for Romney’s attack against those who failed to see the light of following him was the Utah mountains in Deer Park, east of Salt Lake City. Utah’s got lots of mountains; go ahead, Ted, pick the seven you like.

Romney’s angle of attack is to attack from the right flank, using the same weaponry that is coming in from the left and the same projection tactics. He’s labeling trump a racist for identifying the racist Judge Curiel, the anti-American LaRaza agitator for what he really is.

Romney told Wolf Blitzer that Trump had indicated, “What he believes in his heart about race and about Judge Curiel,” totally adopting the leftist false portrayal of the racist judge and the non-racist Mr. Trump. “I don’t want to see trickle-down racism. I don’t want to see a president of the United States saying things which change the character of the generations of Americans that are following. Presidents have an impact on the nature of our nation, and trickle-down racism, trickle-down bigotry, trickle-down misogyny; all these things are extraordinarily dangerous to the heart and character of America.”

Of course all of those are things that Romney knows Trump is not, so the real reason he’s doing what he’s doing is either to pull some shenanigans at the convention or to help the establishment candidate Hillary Clinton. He also indicated that he could support the third party candidacy if former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld were atop the ticket, as Weld is a friend of his who supported his campaigns in both 2008 and 2012. Donald Trump also supported and donated money to Romney, but his support seems to have a much shorter shelf life. Maybe that’s just more Romney BS to cover the fact that he’s an establishment tool and his job is to derail Trump.

He really had his heart set on TPP, he could have done so much pilfering of America if Trump and Sessions hadn’t ruined everything.

Hello Friends and Readers – As a defender of the US Constitution against the globalist Fascists who are attempting to destroy the United States, censorship is an unfortunate reality. Much of the media, including social media, is under the control of the anti-American globalist camp. Please like me on my New Facebook page that I’ve created in response to strangulation censorship. Find me at Stop The Takeover, and please follow me on Twitter @RickRWells I’d also appreciate it if you SUBSCRIBE in the right sidebar on my website at, as there’s no telling what the America-hating nation pirates will do next. Thanks, Rick