Repeat Of Confederate Flag Vilification – NFL, ESPN Attack America Thru Players

Posted on September 13, 2016 by Rick Wells in Entertainment, News, Politics // 2 Comments

If the NFL and ESPN had been deliberately trying to devise a way to drive away viewers and patrons they would not have been able to come up a better scheme than the one they are currently jointly engaged in involving the disrespecting of America’s national symbols, our national anthem and our nation.

The attention-starved punks, the insignificant players involved in their little demonstrations are growing tiresome, beyond tiresome. So is the complicit league that condones and encourages their acts of disloyalty and the attacks upon the symbols of our nation, drawing the ire of patriotic Americans.

It was only a year or so ago that these same forces came after the symbols of southern Americans in falsely attacking the Confederate Battle Flag as being a symbol of racism. The unified anti-American forces, led by the usual suspects, the Marxist Democrats, were successful in carving out that small section of America as villains and forcing them to give up the symbols of their heritage.

That was just a beta test for what they’re doing now and both are founded upon the anti-cop, anti-white black victimhood, racist entitlement that Hussein Obama and Eric Holder founded as Black Lives Matter two years ago in Ferguson, MO, under instructions from George Soros.

Now they’re coming after a larger version of that same Southern patriot population, the American patriot, vilified for exactly the same reasons and by the same liberal left. Their goal is also our submission to whatever demands they settle upon, followed and built upon in ever increasing demands into an burgeoning state-sanctioned, race-based wealth redistribution system through the mechanisms of taxation, social programs and “civil rights” litigation and mandates.

The current national pastime, hopefully one that will soon find its way into bankruptcy as compensation for their misdeeds, is being used by the elites as a tool to manipulate the thinking of the masses. The message is clear – bad white people and bad cops are abusing poor helpless black people for the sheer pleasure of it and because whites are inherently evil.

The United States, as a country built by the evil crackers, must be made more “inclusive and diverse” as the remedy, part of the reason behind the push for non-white foreigner invaders, and lectures from the dictator about “that’s not who we are.” Communist wealth redistribution and equality for all must be the responsibility of the government to enforce, Obama and the diversity obsessed left have declared. As they define it, diversity means blacker and browner, less white. The process will be accelerated soon,  once the NFL brainwashing and other associated propaganda dissemination is completed.

The disgusting liberals at ESPN have an important role in legitimizing the desecration of our national symbols, the equivalent of their ceremonial flag burnings the Soros thugs incorporate as part of their attacks on America in disrupting Trump events.

Baseball great Curt Schilling made the point from his experience working at and being fired from the network for being conservative, not adhering to their demands that on-air talent echo their liberal perspective.

He said, “It was apparent to me early on that if you wanted to go off topic as a sports person you had to go off topic left, or you were going to get in trouble. Some of the most racist things I’ve ever heard have come out of people that are on the air at ESPN. They’re some of the biggest racists in sports commentating.”

Of course they want to keep their jobs so they obey and say what they’re told. In Monday Night’s game between the San Francisco 49ers and the LA Rams, the America-hating players were part of the on-air discussion. The commentators for the game on ESPN were Steve Young and Chris Berman.

Either they’re not men of principle, they’re liberal idiots, they also hate America or they’re cowards and there is the strong possibility that there are multiple combinations of those flaws between Young and Berman. Berman is known for his shtick of saying “he could go all the way.” He and Young just went too far.

As reported by Breitbart, “ESPN color commentator Steve Young praised Kaepernick as ‘thoughtful’ after the anthem. ‘It’s really raised consciousness,’ he claimed, ‘and it’s a wonderful thing.’ Play-by-play man Chris Berman credited Kaepernick with opening up a national ‘discussion.’”

There will be a price to pay. ESPN is already hemorrhaging viewers and the NFL will soon experience the same type of backlash that tanked Target with their perverted pervert-friendly change room policies. Americans make a choice with their entertainment dollars. You’re giving them a reason to choose something else. Baseball anyone?

From Facebook–Pastor Duke

Duke Hergatt

When God set up a Government provision was made for the poor. Corners of the fields were left unharvested. It was free for the taking but the poor needed to do their own harvest and food preservation. It was workfare and not welfare. Their was no government redistribution if wealth. There were no tax dollars paying salaries of bureaucrats. Their poverty was situational due to life’s unexpected difficulties. There was no generational poverty. Their poverty was temporary and not permanent. Alms were freely given to the few who were physically unable to harvest. It worked well for thousands of years. But I guess we’ve found a better way now huh! When government becomes your god..this is what you get.

Demonstrating Against Free Speech in America

Tea Party Nation

Posted by Frosty Wooldridge on March 22, 2016 at 9:42am

The Democrat-leaning demonstrators crowded the streets of Chicago this month to close down a Trump campaign rally.  The next day, they chanted, “We stopped Trump.”

In reality, they stopped his 1st Amendment right of free speech guaranteed by our U.S. Constitution.  The single greatest reason the framers of our country placed free speech as the number one amendment:  the right and need to express yourself in order to enjoy a free country.  Without free speech, we become a dictatorship ruled by really nasty people.

In Arizona, last weekend, Democrat-leaning liberals tried to shut down a Trump rally by blocking the freeways leading to convention center.  

At several of Trump’s speaking engagements, liberal hecklers tried to create a riot by shouting down the front-runner of the Republican Party.

First of all, America and her people stand for freedom of speech.  We stand for respect of all citizens’ rights to speak their minds. Yes, you will hear name-calling of anyone who pokes his or her nose into the political arena.  

Twenty years ago, when I spoke out against illegal immigration, pro-illegal alien officials and citizens called me all sorts of names.  They used the “r” word, the “n” word, the “x” word, and the “h-m” word.  

When in fact, I called for “law and order” and the enforcement of our U.S. Constitution and immigration laws.  As you can see, Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama didn’t and haven’t enforced our laws.  They remain in violation of our laws.  Obama continues in violation of our laws. His executive amnesties violate our Constitution.   Hillary Clinton, if she becomes president, will continue violating our immigration laws by providing open borders and amnesty.  It’s a guaranteed fact.

Interestingly, men like U.S. Senator Harry Reid, as well as Senators Boxer, Feinstein, Hatch, Levin, Schumer, Rubio, McCain and most of the rest of Congress created “Donald Trump” because those representatives did nothing for the past 35 years to ensure our security and our borders.  Article 4, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution mandates they protect our borders.  They failed and they failed to the tune of 15 to 30 million illegal aliens jumping our borders and illegally inhabiting our country.

They failed us with the 9/11 Muslims, Boston Marathon Muslim bombers, Chattanooga, Tennessee Muslims killers, Fort Hood Muslim killer, New York Times Square Muslim car bomber, San Bernardino Muslim killers and dozens of more Muslim killers they let into our country and continue importing into our country. 

Why would you allow the worlds’ most violent religion to accelerate inside your own country when Muslims state they intend to make America an Islamic state? 

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Omar Ahmed, director of Council on American Islamic Relations.

After 30 years of not enforcing our laws, we American citizens feel just a wee bit pissed off.  Angry, frustrated, despairing and exasperated!   In the past 51 yeas, we watched over 100 million third world immigrants invade our country legally, while another 15 to 30 million illegal aliens violated our country’s borders.

Democrats may use all the nasty “words” they want, but Trump stands up for America’s sovereignty.  He’s the only one!

Therefore, if you try to silence his 1st Amendment rights, you silence your own voice because at some point, when you kill our U.S. Constitution, you kill the foundation of your free life.  At all times in history, a Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, king of any country, Mao, current North Korean dictator, Muslim kings and other dictators crush people without free speech and free press.

Therefore, celebrate Trump’s right to speak his mind.  Celebrate Hillary and Bill Clintons’ ability to lie under oath and get away with it—until one day, the law catches up to them.  Celebrate the criminality of Harry Reid, Diane Feinstein, Charles Schumer, John McCain, Lyndon Baines Johnson and even the sexual dalliances of John F. Kennedy—because in the end, our 1st Amendment rights allow historians, journalists and citizens to dig into the truth.

If not for free speech, Barack Hussein Obama would get away with the biggest lying scam in history by keeping his records sealed as he has for the past seven years.  No one really knows the country of his birth, his real social security number, his back-dated Selective Service numbers, his student ID card as a foreign student, all his sealed college records, how he obtained the presidency with no credentials other than a lying tongue, why the Nobel Prize people awarded him the “Nobel Prize for Peace” when he didn’t earn it or deserve it.   Historians will expose Obama’s violations of our Constitution because of the 1st Amendment.

Therefore, as we see our civilization fragmented and fractured by legal and illegal immigration, we enjoy exposing career, corrupt politicians.  As we see Muslims inject themselves into our country in order to squash our 1st Amendment rights, we maintain the right to call them out—at least until they behead us or bomb us.   As the illegal aliens continue their onslaught of our borders and jobs, we need our free press to expose them and their employers.

Because, without our 1st Amendment, we fail as a free people.

Black Pastor Takes Stage at Trump Event, Crowd’s Response Is Explosive

Audience members at a rally in Cleveland on Saturday for GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump went wild with excitement when a well-known black pastor took the stage to introduce the billionaire businessman and explain why he had chosen to endorse him.

He began his introduction by recounting the first time he met Trump over five years ago.

“To be honest, I went in to the meeting somewhat prejudicially. I went in with an opinion of him that had been formed through media portrayal,” the Rev.Darrell Scott of New Spirit Revival Center Ministries recalled.

But then, after asking Trump pointed questions and listening to his responses, the pastor’s perception of the GOP front-runner changed drastically.

“I found Mr. Trump not only to be very gracious and very hospitable, but I also found him to be a very humble man,” Scott explained. “And he is very respectful of clergy.”

The pastor then urged his audience at the rally to do the same thing — form their opinion about Trump based on their own perceptions versus what the liberal mainstream media wants them to think.

He added that everyone there, including himself, were “smart, intelligent people” and “independent thinkers” — and that the notion being peddled by liberals and establishment RINOs that Trump supporters are “a bunch of dummies” was inherently false.

“We are smart people, we are intelligent people,” he continued. “We know what we are doing, we know what we see, and the truth is that the Democratic Party has drifted further and further away from the traditional values that made our country great in the first place.”

The pastor’s speech repeatedly brought the house down, and for good reason. In nine short minutes, Pastor Darrell Scott refuted every single lie about Donald Trump, including the one about him being a racist and bigot who hates minorities.

He also articulated the significance of him and Trump ultimately becoming friends: “Only God could take a black guy from inner city streets of Cleveland and connect him with a white billionaire from upstate New York to try to do what we can do to make the country great again!”

Well said, Pastor Scott.

Christians, Conservatives, Men, and White People Are Not Responsible For Your Problems


John Hawkins | Jan 23, 2016

Lou Holtz once said, “Don’t tell your problems to people: eighty percent don’t care; and the other twenty percent are glad you have them.” Unfortunately, Lou Holtz is a man out-of-step with our whiny age.

Today, people will not shut up about their problems. They want to let you know about every issue they have, every “microaggression” and every time they’re offended. It’s a bottomless sea of discontent.

Worse yet, our generation of complainers never seems to blame themselves for their own problems. Instead they’ve picked out a group of designated fall guys that it’s always okay to blame for every problem they have: Christians, conservatives, men or white people.

Every time a Muslim engages in a terrorist attack, we get a lecture on the crusades which ended in 1291. Alternately, we hear how often these diehard Christians have attacked abortion clinics. Setting aside the fact that those killers are universally condemned by Christians, more people were killed in the San Bernardino terrorist attacks than were killed in every abortion clinic attack since Roe v. Wade. We’ve even gotten to the point where liberal gay couples are seeking out Christian florists, photographers and bakers so they can pretend to be hurt when they refuse to cater their weddings.

Then there’s white people. It’s bizarre that in a nation that’s 62% white, Caucasians are considered to be the only race it’s okay to openly discriminate against, mock and smear. White people are obsessively lectured about white privilege, usually by very privileged black professors and television personalities who apparently have no sense of irony. We hear endlessly about the supposed perils of white racism in a nation that just elected the first black president while it’s the official policy of the government to discriminate against white Americans based on their skin color via affirmative action. In a country where more than 90% of black Americans who are murdered are killed by other African-Americans, we focus obsessively on the far less than 1% that are killed by police officers mainly so a racial motive can be implied about the white officers that are involved.

Let me also add, there is no “rape culture” in America. If you want to see a “rape culture,” go to Egypt or the parts of Germany that are overrun with Syrian migrants. There’s also no patriarchy and the idea that women are paid less than men for doing the same work has been so thoroughly disproven that only an idiot would believe it. If women would really do the same work as men for less pay, why not just start a company and hire all women? You could dominate the market with your reduced labor costs. While we’re at it, if you get all upset about a man being polite enough to pull out a chair or open a door for you, there’s something wrong with you as a human being. Try saying thank you once in a while and more people will like you.

Similarly, conservatives are constantly being blamed for problems in black communities even though there isn’t a single majority black community in America where a conservative can get elected. Even though Detroit hasn’t had a Republican mayor since 1962, conservatives were blamed when the city went bankrupt. We constantly hear that conservatives are to blame for income inequality in America; yet 32 out of the 35 districts with the largest amount of income inequality in America are represented by liberal Democrats. Although the only thing I care less about than who wins the Oscars is the health and wellbeing of ISIS members, why is a lack of black Americans winning an award a national crisis when a lack of white players in the NBA is shrugged off? Each seems about as important as the other, which is to say, not very….

There are very few people in America under the age of 40 who can say that racism has had a significant negative impact in their lives, Christianity has been an overwhelmingly positive influence on the country, men are no better or worse than women, just different and the agenda of conservatism is primarily to stick to the Constitution, live within our means and to create a society that gives people the best opportunity to take care of themselves.

Yet, there’s a never ending attack on Christians, conservatives, men and white people in America by those who blame them for their own shortcomings. They can’t accept the fact that they’re miserable, they’re failing, they’re not getting what they want out of life; so they point the finger elsewhere. They’re the sort of peopleEric Hoffer described when he said,

Those who clamor loudest for freedom are often the ones least likely to be happy in a free society. The frustrated, oppressed by their shortcomings, blame their failure on existing restraints. Actually their innermost desire is for an end to the “free for all.” They want to eliminate free competition and the ruthless testing to which the individual is continually subjected in a free society.

Life is brutal and there is no way to make it painless, easy and simple. Rather than chalking up failures to the difficulty of life or their own weaknesses, people have always loved to find scapegoats. That ugly impulse hasn’t changed, but the acceptable targets have. Christians, conservatives, white Americans and men are the primary targets of these weak people today.

It’s like the old story about the drunk and his car keys.

Cop: “What are you looking for?”

Drunk: “I’m looking for my house keys,”

Cop: “Are you sure this is where you lost your keys?”

Drunk: “No, I lost them in the alley.”

Cop: “Then why aren’t you looking in the alley?”

Drunk: “Well, this is where the light is.”

If people stop blaming all these groups they’ve been told it’s okay to hate and start blaming themselves for their own problems, they might actually improve their lives and as an extra added bonus, the rest of us wouldn’t have to listen to their endless b*tching anymore.

Ann Coulter Has Shocking News About an Upcoming Donald Trump Scandal

From “The Earl Hall Show”  ; Posted on January 22, 2016 by Earl Hall in 2016 Presidential Race, Donald Trump, Republican Politics

It is no secret that the republican establishment does not want to see Donald Trump in the White House.  Some the lengths that they will go to in order to keep him out are alarming.  In this age of instant access and instant news this is a problem.  Glenn Beck found that out just a few days ago.

From Breitbart

We have never had total war against a candidate like we’re seeing with Donald Trump. All elements of national media are uniting to stop him.

Look for a fake Trump scandal to break — probably from a conservative news outlet — right before the Iowa caucus.

A few months ago, an alleged Trump quote from a 1998 People magazine interview was circulating on the Internet, claiming Trump said that if he ever ran for president, he’d run as a Republican because Republican voters are “the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they’d still eat it up.”

I pay a lot for Nexis, and Trump has never said anything remotely resembling this. investigated, too, and also concluded the quote was a fake. But you can probably still find some idiot tweeting it out right now.

Last week, Glenn Beck “retweeted” a post allegedly tweeted by Trump the day after the 2012 election, saying: “I always vote for the winners! Congratulations to My Friend, @BarackObama!”

If that doesn’t sound like Trump, it’s because Trump never said it. Beck’s retweet sure made it look real, but you can check Trump’s Twitter archive.

All the stories about Trump being a fraud keep turning out to be the real frauds. I assume that, like most sentient beings, he’s changed his mind about some things. But the one consistent thread running through his entire life is his love for this country and his fellow Americans.

The attacks on Trump from the “conservative” media calling him a socialist, a Democrat, a flip-flopper, a fake conservative are just name-calling. I notice that the accusers never include examples, not true ones, anyway. Here are some examples of how Trump has always been for Americans first. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a president who likes us more than he likes foreigners — and the rich donors who employ them?

In 1986, Trump saw a TV broadcast with Annabell Hill, whose 67-year-old husband had committed suicide 20 minutes before their family farm was to be auctioned off in a foreclosure sale, hoping the life insurance money would be enough to save the farm. It wasn’t.

Trump immediately called Annabell, promising to save her farm and pledging $20,000 toward the effort. “Last night when he called, my heart went pitter patter,” Annabell told ABC’s “World News Tonight.” “I never talked with a man with that much money before. And he assured me that one day the land would be mine. I thought, after I hung up, ‘This can’t be true, this just can’t be true.’”

As Trump explained to The Atlanta Constitution at the time, “I’ve seen what’s happened to farmers, but I was particularly interested in a lovely woman I saw, Annabell Hill.”

Within a month of Trump’s launching a national campaign with two other businessmen to save Annabell’s farm, they had raised more than $100,000. One of the businessmen, Frank A. Argenbright Jr., said, “That is thanks totally to Mr. Trump and his organization. Most of the money has come from the New York area.”

By Christmas that year, Annabell and her entire family flew to New York to burn the mortgage in the lobby of Trump Towers and have Christmas dinner with the Trump family. The lovely Annabell said, “Well, we have a real celebration not only to celebrate the birth of Jesus but also to celebrate the goodness in men’s hearts.”

Thirty years ago, Trump wasn’t thinking about running for president. And yet, this is how he explained his campaign to save Annabell’s farm, as quoted by The Associated Press: “We give a lot of money to foreign countries that don’t give a damn about us, but we don’t help the American farmers.”

Two years later, Trump was interviewed by Larry King at the 1988 Republican National Convention. Please look up this interview — it’s fabulous.

Two things will be of particular interest. First, watch how Trump keeps circling back to praise Dan Quayle. King doesn’t even ask him about Quayle — a figure of media ridicule at the time because of his Midwest conservatism. It’s Trump who keeps doggedly bringing up Quayle, in order to say, he’s a “very impressive guy” who did “a great job — I don’t mean a good job, I mean a great job.”

Second, Trump expressly rejects King’s characterization of him as an “Eastern Republican,” or a “Rockefeller Republican,” saying the people he does best with are “the taxi drivers and the workers.”

Trump’s business is real estate, and real estate can’t be outsourced. His flag is planted in this country. If America goes down, his empire goes down.

Conservative pundits keep assuring clueless viewers that Trump is not a “real Republican.” They seem not to grasp that most viewers are saying, That’s fantastic! Thanks for reminding me. (I look forward to conservative talk show hosts 20 years hence billing themselves as “Trump Republicans.”)

Looking at what the party has become, I certainly hope he’s not a “real Republican.” I know he’s a real American. Those used to be the same thing.

Follow Ann Coulter on Twitter @AnnCoulter.


Many conservative talk show host have been talking favorably about Trump over the past few months.  It is however interesting that many of us talked negatively about him in the beginning.  The issues of him not being a serious candidate are long gone.  You the people have spoken and Trump is #1, in your eyes.

I am not completely sold though.  There is just something about him that I can’t put my finger on.  Interestingly enough the only two candidates that have their own category in my blog are Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Follow Earl Hall on Twitter @earlhall and @earlhallshow

Cruz: This Is What Happens When You Have A President Who’s A ‘Laughingstock’

From Chicks On The Right website:

Red Dawn    January 17, 2016 05:04pm

I really couldn’t care less if the rest of the world hates America. I don’t care if they believe we’re God-fearing, gun totin’, Bible thumpin’, bacon eating, terrorist killing fools. We’re the last best hope on earth. America has embraced liberty like no other nation in the history of the world. We’re the most compassionate nation on earth, always extending a helping hand to those in need. So when I hear liberals complain that we’re just so globally unpopular, I couldn’t care less. But there’s one thing I have no tolerance for: Being the world’s laughingstock, which is exactly the reputation Obama has put forward. The next president is going to have to reestablish America’s position of strength.  They’ll have to remind the world that you DO NOT MESS with us.

I believe Ted Cruz is that man. Like most of us, he was positively disgusted over Secretary of State John Kerry praising the Iranians for essentially humiliating U.S. sailors.

“It encapsulates the weakness and the ineptitude of the Obama-Clinton foreign policy,” Cruz said on “Hannity” Friday night.

He’s right. It absolutely does. You think the Iranians would pull that crap if we had a Ronald Reagan in office right now? I don’t think so.

“When the American president is a laughingstock…it is not good for America. It is not good for the world,” Cruz said.

The next president doesn’t only have to deal with all of Obama’s god-awful policies. He (or she) must reestablish America’s position as a well-respected global leader.

I don’t care if the world hates us, but they sure as heck better respect us. (And yes Iran. I’m talking to you.)

Here’s the Deal

In the past I have said that I wouldn’t vote at all if a true conservative did not get on the Republican ticket.  However I have kind of modified that sentiment;   there are a number of candidates I can vote for that would keep Hillary or Bernie out of the white house.  But with that said if they nominate Jeb, Christy, Haish of someone like that I will not vote at all;  in that case it would be either Democrat or Democrat Lite.

As of right now I am still supporting Ted Cruz but would gladly vote for Trump or Dr Carson . . . even Rubio. 

Also after hearing the Republican rebutal to the state of the union my son is now changing his voter registration to independent and I am definitely thinking of doing the same.

When do they indict Hillary?

Posted by Judson Phillips on January 9, 2016 at 2:09pm in Tea Party Nation Forum

When is the Department of Justice going to indict Hillary Clinton?  What started out as a small drip of information is now turning into a torrent.  It is absolutely obvious that Hillary Clinton broke not just one law but several.

The Democrats keep acting like the Email scandal is just a GOP fabrication.  The facts show otherwise.

The latest batch of Hillary Clinton emails released by the State Department early Friday contain what may be the smoking gun that forces the Justice Department to charge the former secretary of state with a crime, according to former federal prosecutor Joseph diGenova.

“This is gigantic,” said diGenova. “She caused to be removed a classified marking and then had it transmitted in an unencrypted manner. That is a felony. The removal of the classified marking is a federal crime. It is the same thing to order someone to do it as if she had done it herself.”

On the June 17, 2011, email chain with senior State Department adviser Jake Sullivan, Clinton apparently asked Sullivan to change the marking on classified information so that it is no longer flagged as classified.

Clinton, using her private email server, asks for “the TPs,” apparently a reference to talking points being prepared for her. Sullivan, who is using his official State Department email, responds, “They say they’ve had issues sending secure fax. They’re working on it.” Clinton responds, “If they can’t, turn into nonpaper w[ith] no identifying heading and send nonsecure.”

To quote Donald Trump, “This is ‘yuge!’”

The truth is the Democrats are criminals. They don’t care about America. They don’t care about protecting this nation. They do not care about Americans nor do they care about justice.

As Hillary Clinton shows, they are just criminals.